Types of Foresters

District Foresters

A District Forester is a professional forester employed by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, to assist private forest landowners and wood-using industries in the proper management and utilization of Indiana's forest land resources. They also administer all of the forestry incentive programs available to forest landowners in Indiana. Since this is a directory of private professional foresters, the state's district foresters are not listed in this publication. For further information, write or call:

Indiana Division of Forestry
402 West Washington Street
Room 296W
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-4105

Consulting Foresters

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A Consulting Forester is a self-employed professional forester who offers management services to private forest landowners for a fee. The consultant is not an employee of the government nor of a woodusing industry, but works solely for the forest land management objectives.

Industrial Foresters

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An Industrial Forester is a professional forester employed by an industry for procurement of timber, forest land management, improved utilization of materials in manufacturing or other technical assignment. Those listed in this directory may provide management assistance to private forest landowners for a fee or other consideration.

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