Helpful Information


Attend field days and seminars

Attend field days and seminars. They are an excellent way of meeting people and networking with other forest landowners.


Thinning as both a part of timber stand improvement and regular harvests is the single most important tool for maintaining the health and productivity of your woodland. Giving adequate space for each "crop tree" so that they have all the moisture, nutrients and sunlight needed to grow steadily is the goal of thinning. About the only place you would not want to spend much time thinning is on an extremely poor site. Timing of a thinning is the key to keeping your trees growing. If you wait too long, trees slow in growth, and if not given room, in time, health problems such as insect and disease attack may occur. If you thin too early, you could over-thin causing a loss in production because the site would be underutilized. Over-thinning can also cause epicormic branches to form on the trunk thus causing a loss of quality. If you believe your woods may need a thinning to keep it healthy, seek the professional assistance of a forester.

Tips from Foresters

Economic Times

In an era of economic turbulence, out hardwood forests offer us great stability. Although we have witnessed some startling changes and/or reductions in demand for the wood products derived from out native trees, I believe these changes are temporary. The intrinsic value of out resource will bring growth in the future. Fashions do change over time, and before we know it, red oak will again be popular. Oberseas furniture producers that have relied on questionably sourced and inexpensive tropical hardwoods are now facing their supply being cut off. They will have to buy their wood somewhere. Our domestic wood industry will also gain as higher fuel prices have made shipping certain goods around the world less profitable. Those who carefully manage their woodlands know that over the long term, trees and forests are a very sound investment.

- Joe Dwyer

Marketing Standing Timber

Woodland harvesting is a silvicultural tool. When marketing standing timber, select those trees that should be sold, versus those trees that could be sold.

- Bob Mayer

Early Harvest

The early harvest in your woods should focus the removal of the lower quality trees in the stand, thus releasing the better trees to maintain good growth and vigor. This will lead to a greater financial return from your woods and maintain the genetic quality of your woods. A more vigorous timber stand also has a greater capacity to effect air quality and reduce greenhouse gases.

- Brian Gandy

Management Plans

Obtain and follow a management plan for your property. A management plan tells landowners what they are growing, how much they are growing (board feet), and when it is going to be ready to harvest. It is great for short term and long term planning to meet management objectives.

- Michael Gregg

Managed Forest

"Your managed forest may represent one of your best investments. A managed forest can offer a steady 4% to 6% physical growth rate resulting in a financial return ranging up to 20% or more on individual high quality trees. All of this, plus recreation, aesthetics and more - without paying taxes on incremental gains!"

- Bob Mayer


Contact Information

Indiana Forestry and Woodland Owners Association
1007 North 725 West
West Lafayette, IN 47906

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